Weather: Someone needs to invent a sneaker that is completely waterproof for long walks in the muddy countryside and then I think I can do England. It’s getting colder and trickier to know what to wear as Autumn takes the leaves off the trees and whips up the winds... It’s really taken me by surprise how fast all of my favourite trees have lost their colour. It’s making the place unrecognisable. Still pretty, but more barren and spiky than the lushness I arrived to. I was thinking, I hope no one visits while it looks like this because it’s nothing like what I’ve described! Everyone says this is really mild weather and its more like Spring, so I cant complain!
People:What can I say? Throw 19 nations together 24 hours a day including all meals, and stand back. That’s what I thought. The reality is actually very beautiful. I’ve made such nice friends, and I have been given an eye into other worlds that I would never have seen otherwise. We all get on really well, and have especially bonded after we all ministered to each other in our ministry workshops. We also meet up on Wednesday nights for a worship night that Tim and I started because we were longing for a more drawn out time of worship. Turns out lots of people were after the same thing, so that was a nice surprise. Soon after I arrived I became the birthday person, and so I make sure everyone is celebrated well and usually have 1 or 2 cards floating around the room for signatures. I also got asked to lead worship once a week with a team from the students. Maybe I was already singing so loud they decided to just give me a microphone and be done with it. Either way, I am loving it. There are about 15 people who put their names down to be involved and we rehearse as 2 teams (another girl leads as well) on Monday nights. Its great to be released into it because for years I dreamed of it but was always too fearful, too sick, too…whatever…to audition. It’s a very safe place to grow into your calling here, which I find very liberating. Everyone is so encouraging here, and we all love beginning the day with song. We had a funny time last week when I completely forgot the melody of the next song and was motioning to Tim to just ‘go back around’ until I got it! Tim has been released to join me on my team which has been so wonderful, as we worship God together a lot at home and we know one another well enough to know what’s coming. Everyone loves having Tim there and Wednesday worship night grew out of people requesting Tim to lead them in worship. I have to say that it is really great to see Tim operating in his calling and gifting again, like when I met him at College. Anne-Thailand,Ulrika-Sweden,Me-Australia,Zena-America,Vreni-Switzerland,Bekky-England
Suzanne-England, Me-Australia, Vreni-Switzerland, Dave-England, Samuel-Ghana

Spare time: There’s not a lot of spare time, but they are really big on everyone having a Sabbath day where you lay everything down and just do what you find restful, and that was yesterday. I went for a walk and happily got off the beaten track to discover a beautiful river and meandering path that had me captivated. Cows grazing in the fields, in front of rolling hills with old sandstone churches and castle like buildings...I wondered whether id walked into the wrong century by mistake. I was completely lost but not far from home (Don’t worry mum) and followed the prettiest path until I found it led me the wrong direction. (isn’t that always the way). Eventually I guessed my way home and (obviously) made it! Maybe not everyone’s idea of relaxation, but it suited me fine, especially as I was on my own and also made it back before a massive storm hit. We do have a pretty intense time in our classes, as the subjects are quite heavy and really confronting, (or just long!) and usually they bring up things in our own lives that we are dealing with, or that are the reason we came into this ministry in the first place. When there is time off, its precious and I love to head to my room and make sense of what’s happening, or have a good chat with Tim or God. There is a great cafĂ© across the way, and sometimes I go there with friends or Tim and sometimes I hang out in the Bookshop where they have lounges and let you flick through the books with a coffee. I’ve also learned how to knit, thanks to mum, and used my time to knit Tim a stripy scarf for our anniversary. I’ve started some embroidery that mum sent me, and I’ve done a painting for a friends birthday. I pretty much re-arrange my room for fun.

8:30 Breakfast in the main dining hall (if I make it) or in my room in a rush
15 minutes of devotionals together
½ an hour of praise and worship
1 hour class
20 min break
1 ½ hour class
lunch 1pm – 2.45pm
1 hour 15 mins class
15 min break
1 hour 15 mins class
Finish day 5:30pm
Dinner 6pm
Most nights there is something on- rehearsal for worship, a healing service, a diploma meeting, a worship night, movie night or the need to see Tim!
Weekends: Unless there is a weekend course on that we also attend for class, Saturday is usually my laundry day, and believe me when I say that laundry can take hours! Because we wear so many clothes I have 2 baskets without trying, and there are only so many machines. It’s not unusual to find that someone has removed your clothes from the machine or the dryer so they can use it…there’s a good reason why there’s a sign in the laundry room that says, “Let go, and let God”. We are trying to ‘overcome evil with good’ and tonight Tim and I folded everyone’s clothes that were done in the dryer. I arrived to both my loads in wet piles, but thankfully did not need to re-wash as I have had to do. Hate wet stinky wool smell.
When I am not exercising patience in the laundry room, choosing my songs for the next week, or spending time with Tim I may decide that today is my Sabbath and get about doing nothing, especially if it’s been a big week. Saturday nights can be movie nights organised by one of the students, or pretty quiet. Sundays are pretty laid back unless there’s still a course on, and there are a few options for church. We haven’t managed to get back up to London for Hillsong Church, but we did manage to go to Holy Trinity Bromptom for a worship conference with Tim Hughes and Matt Redman which was pretty cool. I saw Emma Schuberg there which was a highlight. She is on staff, and looks very happy and fulfilled which is nice to see. It’s a really beautiful church, but there’s also a great atmosphere. We still plan on making Leatherhead our service, and will make that happen this Saturday for