Well! Its been almost a year since we were online (sorry for taking so long) but this morning we connected to the rest of the world! Zoe Miracle is well and truly the love of our lives and she is truly a treasure and has to be seen in all her cuteness to be believed. I have never seen anyone so into life...
We celebrated her first birthday with my mum and sister up at mums place in Gwandalan, and it was a beautiful day. Zoe didnt quite get what was going on, but was keen to tear into all the colourful pressies we handed her and was pretty happy with the wrapping! She had a tiny sliver of her birthday cake and was pretty pumped about that!
Its been an incredible year.... I think Tim's mum said it best when she said the first year is a "year of wonders". Couldnt agree more. Watching Zoe zoom through all the first year milestones has been a thrill i guess only new parents can appreciate. So far she has done everything early, including walking just before 10 months and i swear she told me she loved me the other day :)
Zoe has the sweetest nature- full of joy and wonder and curiosity, and a fair bit of mischief too! Here are a few shots of her birthday, the cake i made (supposed to look like Zoe's favourite daisy from our garden!), and some of what she got. xx