Tuesday, September 26, 2006

On our way to the UK

From Phoebe: Well, its time to say goodbye to our beautiful, lovely Holland family and friends, and make our way across the channel to the UK. Its a weird feeling, having just slipped into a groove with all things Dutch, and made beautiful connections with the family. Now I'm really gonna miss them!!! On Sunday night we had a big family dinner and there was...17 people, i think! I wasn't sure which conversation to follow! But I have some wonderful new brothers and sisters who have become very dear to me in such a short time.

So, Wednesday night we fly in to London in time for dinner with Ann & Jason Leitch (and Amielle) from Australia, and then on to our accomodation for conference. We'll spend the next few days smiling and ushering (sorry, hosting) a few thousand people and experiencing church London style, saying hello to old friends, and basically help make the first ever Hillsong Conference Europe amazing. Well, i'm sure it would be amazing without us, but...we'll do our bit!

Then we jump in the car with our old friend Todd to drive up to Wales Saturday night. Crazy, I know. Its about 5 hours drive to the tip of Wales and Trearrdur Bay, Holyhead, where Todd lives. Then its a quick change, off to church, Welsh style, and home for a nap and to rest our feet.
From then on...quiet. And probably some long chats into the wee hours and lots of catching up. We are there for one week and catch the train down to Ellel on Friday 6th October.

October 7 is my 31st birthday (i know!) and the intake for Ellel. New year, new season, new country, new accent, new place to live, new room, new sights, sounds and...well, you get the picture. Basically, everything NEW.

Isaiah 43:18 "Forget the former things. Do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing in your midst. Do you not perceive it?"

We will set up email and post to the blog as soon as we can, and have updated our address details (just in case you want to send us Cadburys, Promite, the ingredients for Lemon Lime Bitters, or all the clothes i should have packed!) in our profile. Keep us in your prayers...its very scary, and my tummy has been a washing machine for days from pure nerves.

Thanks for your prayers so far for my health- I am getting better after completely losing my voice and feeling generally blurgh- and i finished one painting and the other will be finished today. We have you in our prayers, and in our hearts.

Love, Phoebe


Anonymous said...

New accent?! I can't wait to hear you speak with a British accent.
Please bring that accent with you, when you'll return to Holland in December!

Hope you have a great time in England.
Praying for you!
I love you,


Anonymous said...

God will make a way where there seems to be no way. And He will!
Hope and pray that you have a wonderful time in England.
Miss you already. I look at the painting an loving it more every day.
Love you,