Looking back over the last year my heart fills itself with a real sense of satisfaction, contentment, gratitude, and hope for the days to come. What a full year it was!

And looking at where we are now, I can say we are more than blessed! First of all we have a beautiful daughter, our Zoe Miracle! Nothing could prepare me for the whole range of new emotions that have filled my heart, it’s a whole new world! She is an absolute miracle! In other cultures they talk about the pregnant women having happiness inside…well that happiness is now sleeping, feeding, and filling nappies in our home.
Apart from that we feel so supported by God, family, friends, church, acquaintances and the Australian government. Everything we needed has come our way. As the Bible promises to His people that: “He gently leads those that have young” (Isaiah 40:11)
God has really lead us gently in this season by providing for all our needs, and giving us Zoe to look after. And Zoe has such a peaceful and gentle spirit… it might have helped that she has received so much love, prayer, welcoming, and a sense of acceptance and belonging even before she was born! I’m looking forward to getting to know the uniqueness of who she is, caring for her, loving her, and teaching her God’s ways.