I'm grateful to God for sending us here, my main aim of being here was to support Phoebe in doing the course, and that's what I've been doing. But I've been so blessed by what God has been doing in my personal life. Apart from receiving more healing, freedom and restoration in my spirit and soul, God has renewed and sharpened my vision for the future.

I'm grateful for the opportunities God has given me here to be a part of the worship team, to lead people in worship, and also to teach people. I've known for a while that God had called me as a teacher of Kingdom truth, but here God has started to release me into this area of gifting. And it's only just begun. I've had some experience before, but this time around I felt ready and confident, the hand in glove kind of feeling. I'm looking ahead with an excitement in my heart for what God has in store for us.

I'm grateful for the opportunities God has given me here to be a part of the worship team, to lead people in worship, and also to teach people. I've known for a while that God had called me as a teacher of Kingdom truth, but here God has started to release me into this area of gifting. And it's only just begun. I've had some experience before, but this time around I felt ready and confident, the hand in glove kind of feeling. I'm looking ahead with an excitement in my heart for what God has in store for us.

Currently we're 17 1/2 weeks pregnant with 'little bakker' or 'pocket bakker', as one of our friends calls our little baby. A couple of days ago we had another ultra-sound scan to check if the baby was doing ok because Phoebe had a week of intense pains and we had little sleep! The baby is fine and healthy and the right size for its age, and we could see him/her doing little exercises and arching its back and wiggling its arms! we even saw it yawn and then it looked like it blew us a kiss! Right then the lady took the picture and its amazing. Next blog we promise to put it on for you to see! Phoebe is still experiencing lower backache, and we would like to ask if you could keep her, and particularly her health in your prayers? We would really appreciate that.
It won't be long before we will be in Australia again, the 2nd term of the course is finishing in about three weeks time, and in a month we'll be flying from London to Amsterdam to visit my family before we head out to the great warm southland. We can already say that our lives have been impacted and transformed by being here... we're so glad we said yes to God... we're heading back changed ready for the next step. What exactly is in store for us we don't know yet, but we're safe in His hands.
One thing is for sure- we wont regret this time of growing and stretching and learning and...making babies! We come home changed in more ways than one. :)
Cant wait to see everyone and hear how life has progressed for our friends and family in the last 8 months (wow, is it really that long?), and catch up over lattes(Phoebe) and Earl Grey teas (Tim). Not long now...
As for the teaching, as the term has gone on it has gotten progressively deeper and heavier in topics, but if anything has shown the amazing and restoring heart of God in the midst of what looks like hopeless situations. Today we heard the testimony of a lady who had fragmented into multiple personalities, due to severe abuse, and yet God had brought her back to wholeness and she was full of His life and hope. Of all the teaching, this one really impacted me (Phoebe) and I feel like she gave weight to all that we've been learning so far, and it is people like her that are the reason to be involved in this kind of ministry. I know its not for everyone, and not everyone needs this level of ministry (although i do think everyone needs this level of teaching-second to none), but for those who do need it...well, its wonderful to know that God is using Ellel so profoundly to heal brokenness in peoples lives and restore people to a vital relationship with God. I am deeply grateful to God for this ministry myself.
It's been a real step of faith for us coming all the way to the UK, but for those of you who have been following our story, you know how we felt God called us to go... all the lines have fallen into pleasant places, and we've been welcomed here with open arms. We really want to give a heartfelt thanks to those of you who have supported us with your encouragement, with emails, in prayers and thought, practically, and financially. We're still waiting for God to provide the remainder of Phoebe's course fees, but we know he has been our help so far and He will come through for us in His timing (does anyone ever wonder why it's so often last minute with God? or even after 'our' last minute, think of the story of Lazarus who Jesus raised from the dead after being in a tomb for 3 days). We would appreciate you standing with us in faith for this provision as well.
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