I think the Dutch are actually obsessed with cheese, and it is one of the many upsides to this place that a massive chunk is available on a daily basis. They are also pretty particular about it which is educational for me. I tend to go for the biggest for the least amount of money, but here its all about the quality.

Check closer and read the nameplate -is that a joke?

Holland is the largest supplier of flowers worldwide, apparently, and not just of tulips, either. Consequently, there are beautiful blooms down every street, along the road, draping over balconies, climbing over trellises, gliding by on bicycles, or enjoying a cup of tea at the cafe with you.

ok. this one makes me laugh out loud. Where else could you eat chocolate sprinkles and curls of dark chocolate on bread for breakfast without it being some childs birthday? This display is in the supermarket, and is only some of the candy they call food. Some of it is coloured candy, powdered sugar, little balls of white, dark and milk chocolate...quite amazing, really. It feels so wrong to eat it without it being a celebration, so when i do, i celebrate whatever day it is! Happy Tuesday to me....Happy Tuesday to me...

This one is right near Tims house and made me stop and go ohhhhhhhh...wow...... there was another one, also by Vermeer. Dutch window displays go up another level....
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