These are all random pics from our day out on Thursday to Oud Beijerland. It was sunny and beautiful. Couldn't have asked for a better day. We shopped (yay) and drank Ice Tea, people watched (my absolutely favourite thing) and ate Stroop Waffels sttraight from the hotplate. They should be illegal, and they are the reason why today i went for a 2 hour walk!!! Everyone here

eats them all the time...and they stay tall and skinny (one of Gods jokes on us). One of the nicest things about being here is how quiet it is. Take all the cars out, and what you hear is people, birds, music. I hadn't realised how much traffic was in the background of my conversations before, until it was gone. Now, when a car comes along, its an intrusion. Its like, why does he have to drive so noisily?
Tim said he hadn't realised how "Dutch"everything was before, but after 7 years, he sees what I see- a whole other culture. They do smoke a lot though, so they have that strike against them. We are spoilt in Australia in that regard. That cafe on the left is where we had our tea, and we looked down onto the old guys...
The waffle in my hand is filled with syrup and is eaten at afternoon tea (usually a bit smaller though). It is surprisingly filling. Well thats all for now...thanks for checking!!!xx

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