Here are some beautiful pictures of the one day of snow-pleasure we received from the heavens this month. To our dissapointment it only lasted for part of the day, but it we feel priviledged to have experienced some snow this winter for it has been a really mild winter so far.
It got Phoebe out of bed within seconds of finding out the whole place was covered in a white blanket of snow, and within minutes she was outside taking pictures on bare feet! I assume she doesn't see snow that often in Australia!
For me it had been years too, so I made sure to test my snowball making and throwing abilities... and I discovered that they we're still functioning well! Some of my colleages were on the other end of my tests, which resulted in me receiving some feedback in the form of round white balls flying in my direction. Great fun!
Hai Bro and Sis,
Wat geweldig dat jullie sneeuw hebben gehad (ook al was het maar kort).
Hier in Nederland hebben we nog geen sneeuw gezien... zelfs niet in Friesland (waar het over het algemeen iets kouder is dan hier.)
Leuk om die foto's te zien!
Veel liefs,
snow?? can you bring some back with you???
we would love to see genuine english snow :)
love you guys...
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